Checkout our new module Backorder.

This module is intended to perform backorder management. Keep track of your customer and supplier backorders. See amount of backorder in the order list. Show details of backorders in searchable and filterable list. Generate a pdf of products in backorder for your customer order.
Backorder module is updated for compatibility with Multi-Company module.
I released a new version of Backorder module for Dolibarr. This version contains following new functionalities.
Add new configs to also show items with no shipping’s or receiving’s in the backorder list.
Add new columns with quantity items in backorder.
After update you need to de-activate – active the module to update database fields. If you also want the values for new columns and configs you need to regenerate the backorders.
I released version 1.0.12 of Backorder module for Dolibarr. This version contains following new functionalities and fixes.
Add customer filter in customer backorder list.
Add support for Dolibarr 14 edit/delete supplier order item receipt.
Compatiblity Dolibarr 14.
Compatiblity PHP 8
Fix for muliticompany, Backorderlist not filtered correctly on entity.
Fix store search value in search input field.
Fix ref_client size.
Fix exclude receipts from draft reception if reception module used.
Fix filters lost on backorder list page change.
I released a new version of Backorder module for Dolibarr. This version contains following new functionalities and fixes.
Add options to also show unshipped services in customer and supplier backorder list.
Add comments in sql files for using backorder tables in custom sql queries.
Improve error handling.
Fix overwrite module settings with default values on deactivate – activate.
Fix messed up backorder PDF for more the one page docs.
Fix translation conflict for column ‘Backorder line qty’.